This Friday, January 30, 2009, my husband and I are taking our youngest son to see the Draper Temple open house.
Brad and I have been to a couple of Temple open houses before but Bryan has never been to one and so I look forward with anticipation for him to be able to go inside and see just how beautiful the Temples really are. I pray with all my heart that he will feel of the sacredness of such a holy place and that he will remember this experience, and that it will be one which he cherishes.
Bryan loves the Primary songs, one of which is, “I love to see the Temple”
I can’t help but smile as I think of the many times he and Brad have either dropped me off or picked me up from work that I have listened to Bryan quietly singing that very song from the back seat of the car. I think of that today as I am reminded of an experience last year.
Bryan was in the hospital for a twelve-day period undergoing some tests. On the day he was to be released, a nurse asked him if he planned to go to college to become a doctor. She had a knowing grin on her face; obviously she thought she knew what his answer would be.
Instead, his answer came as a surprise, “No, I’m going to college so I can learn to be a Temple worker, like my mom.”
“A what?” The nurse asked in confusion.
“It’s where I work,” I smiled as I tried to explain. Bryan and I walked away but as we did, I couldn’t help the tears that immediately formed in my eyes. Perhaps they were there because he was proud of what I do, but even more so, I loved that he thought so highly of the Temple that that is what he wanted to do when he grew up. I hope that all my son’s dreams come true... that maybe one day he will enjoy the blessings of being a Temple worker, in whatever capacity that may be.
The Temple represents many things. It is a House of order, glory, prayer, fasting, thanksgiving, learning, faith, refuge, and so on. With each of these descriptions, a multitude of blessings can be ours.
Seeing how the Temple was a house of thanksgiving for one particular young man touched me as I worked in the cafeteria one day really touched me. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-three years of age or so when he walked up to me and handed me two hundred dollars and said, “This is to pay for their dinner,” He pointed to the long line of people that had formed to get their dinner when he started to turn and walk away. “Wait, I don’t know who you mean,” I said. (Often times a family member will walk up and hand me money to avoid confrontation of who will pay for the others dinner in their group) I had no idea where this young man’s family began or ended. He stepped closer and said, “I came into some money today and wanted to show my gratitude. I’m sorry, but it’s all the cash I had on me. I just wanted to pay for as many people’s dinner as that money could buy.” He turned and stepped to the back of the line. He was all-alone. He had come to the Temple to show his gratitude for the blessings he had received that day. With thankful heart, he bought 38 people dinner with that money. Elderly people, single people, couples, and workers benefited from this young man’s expression of gratitude. It made such an impression on me. The outpouring of love and appreciation was inspiring. Tear filled eyes were in awe that a young man would be so generous. When told that their cup of soup and roll had been paid for, an elderly couple said, “Who would do that for us?” They were so shocked and humbled, they just stood there speechless, unsure whether to accept the meal or not. A sister who came alone said, “No, there must be some mistake. No one would pay for me. I came by myself.” She started crying. A couple kept asking, “Really? Really? Just because? Please tell us who would do such a kind thing. We have to say thank you.” They were so impressed. The reactions of the people were incredible. That young man touched so many hearts with his gift of gratitude.
The Temple is indeed a House of Glory. All you have to do is step inside and know it is a place where our Heavenly Father’s Spirit can dwell. I think it’s crucial for us to remember that you cannot enter there with a worldly attitude and expect to have a Spiritual experience.
The Temple is a House of refuge. It doesn’t matter how frazzled my day is outside of the Temple, when I walk inside, a calmness comes over me and I know all will be well. I love the people I work with, the people I serve, and the environment in which I am so blessed to be a part of.
The Temple is also a house of protection. I am reminded of a quote by President Vaughn J Featherstone: “I promise you that all who faithfully attend to Temple work will be blessed beyond measure. Your families will draw closer to the Lord, unseen angels will watch over your loved ones, when Satanic forces tempt them. The veil will be thin and great Spiritual experiences will distill upon this people.”
My work at the Temple has been a tremendous blessing in my family’s life and mine. As I come in contact with the people who enter the Temple to do their Temple work, in whatever capacity it may be, whether they are patrons, workers, volunteers or employees, I find my life is more richly blessed. I am incredibly grateful for the eternal blessings the Temple provides us as we make a commitment to be obedient I am thankful I have a constant reminder in my life that in this world we have a greater purpose and that eternal happiness can be ours.
I am so grateful for the House of our Father where I can find peace, solace, inspiration, and learning. The Temple truly enriches my life.
I am so looking forward to Bryan attending his first Temple open house. It’s my hope that this is only the first of many, many, more to come.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Errand Of Angels
My Sister’s Hands
My sister’s hands are fair and white. My sister’s hands are dark.
My sister’s hands are touched with age, or by the years unmarked.
And often when I pray for strength to live as He commands,
The Father sends me sustenance, through my sister’s hands.
My sister’s hands are lined and worn with burdens of their own.
And yet, I know should I mourn, I need not weep alone.
For often as I seek His grace to lighten life’s demands
The Father sends me solace borne in my sister’s hands.
My sister’s hands, compassion’s tools, that teach my own their art,
Witnesses of charity within the human heart,
Bearers of the Savior’s love and mercy unto man
I have felt the “Master’s Touch” through my sister’s hands.
(Author unknown)
Being the youngest of four girls, I have always had sisters around me. I didn’t always appreciate that fact. All my friends had cute brothers that bullied and protected them. I ended up with sisters to contend with. Whether it was fighting over chores, borrowing clothes without asking, (That was a HUGE no-no) or phone privileges, we found more ways to get on each other’s nerves, and get each other in trouble, that you would wonder if there was even any love between us. Oh, but there was. We actually had some great times and looking back now, we all talk and laugh over the silly antics we were always up to. The things we put our parents through…
Years later, I sit here and think of each sister, with the fondest of memories. I don’t think there has been a time I have appreciated them or felt more blessed to have them in my life as I do now.
Maybe it comes with age and therefore, experience, but I finally see just how blessed I am to have my sister’s around me.
I must say we are all different from each other as night and day but I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that if I ever needed one of them, they would be there for me. Sometimes they are even there for me, without my asking.
They have helped me through some of the toughest times of my life. How can I ever express my love and gratitude to them for being there, all the many times I desperately needed them?
I want to include all my other sisters, my sisters inside and outside of the Gospel. I am overwhelmed by the generous hearts of my good sisters who lift me up when I am down, who extend themselves to help me face the unknown when I am afraid, those who have had the patience to help me learn a new skill- maybe not because I have the talent, but because I have the desire. There have been those who care enough about my feelings and my family’s well being that they will sacrifice their time and talents to comfort us when we are heartbroken or weary, when we are discouraged they make us happy.
I love the song, “As sisters in Zion” The second verse says:
“The errand of angels is given to women
And this is a gift that as sister’s we claim:
To do whatsoever is gentle and human,
To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name”
I can’t help but be thankful for all the angels in my life. I somehow manage to
Keep them constantly on their errands, but I have to say my life is rich because of them.
Though I try to let them know of my appreciation, I know I will never have the words to express my heartfelt love and gratitude so it is my hope and prayer that my Father in Heaven will bless them for their efforts.
It is also my himble prayer that as I have had so many wonderful examples to foloow that I will show my gratitude by being the kind of sister so many have been to me.
My sister’s hands are fair and white. My sister’s hands are dark.
My sister’s hands are touched with age, or by the years unmarked.
And often when I pray for strength to live as He commands,
The Father sends me sustenance, through my sister’s hands.
My sister’s hands are lined and worn with burdens of their own.
And yet, I know should I mourn, I need not weep alone.
For often as I seek His grace to lighten life’s demands
The Father sends me solace borne in my sister’s hands.
My sister’s hands, compassion’s tools, that teach my own their art,
Witnesses of charity within the human heart,
Bearers of the Savior’s love and mercy unto man
I have felt the “Master’s Touch” through my sister’s hands.
(Author unknown)

Years later, I sit here and think of each sister, with the fondest of memories. I don’t think there has been a time I have appreciated them or felt more blessed to have them in my life as I do now.
Maybe it comes with age and therefore, experience, but I finally see just how blessed I am to have my sister’s around me.
I must say we are all different from each other as night and day but I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that if I ever needed one of them, they would be there for me. Sometimes they are even there for me, without my asking.
They have helped me through some of the toughest times of my life. How can I ever express my love and gratitude to them for being there, all the many times I desperately needed them?
I want to include all my other sisters, my sisters inside and outside of the Gospel. I am overwhelmed by the generous hearts of my good sisters who lift me up when I am down, who extend themselves to help me face the unknown when I am afraid, those who have had the patience to help me learn a new skill- maybe not because I have the talent, but because I have the desire. There have been those who care enough about my feelings and my family’s well being that they will sacrifice their time and talents to comfort us when we are heartbroken or weary, when we are discouraged they make us happy.
I love the song, “As sisters in Zion” The second verse says:
“The errand of angels is given to women
And this is a gift that as sister’s we claim:
To do whatsoever is gentle and human,
To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name”
I can’t help but be thankful for all the angels in my life. I somehow manage to
Keep them constantly on their errands, but I have to say my life is rich because of them.
Though I try to let them know of my appreciation, I know I will never have the words to express my heartfelt love and gratitude so it is my hope and prayer that my Father in Heaven will bless them for their efforts.
It is also my himble prayer that as I have had so many wonderful examples to foloow that I will show my gratitude by being the kind of sister so many have been to me.
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